September Newsletter 2015

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September 2015 CLC-AFO Newsletter

facebook: CLC-AFO


Welcome.   On behalf of the CLC-AFO, the adjunct union, I welcome you back if you are a returning faculty, and welcome you if you are new to CLC.   Teaching as an adjunct professor at CLC (or anywhere) can be a very alienating experience. The CLC-AFO Adjunct Newsletter is one of the ways that we adjuncts can communicate and connect with each other. The Adjunct Newsletter comes out regularly and we hope that you will use it to be informed about issues that impact adjunct faculty. Also visit our webpage and like us on facebook. We post vital information on our CLC-AFO webpage and in that format we can be a little more free to discuss ideas, as we “own” the webpage and facebook page.


Facebook page: CLC-AFO, or College of Lake County Adjunct Faculty Organization.


If you have information you would like to see in the newsletter regarding being an adjunct please feel free to send me information for the newsletter Brian Smith

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