Amendments to By-Laws Fall 2011

Amendments to By-Laws Pass

During the Adjunct Faculty Union Meeting held just prior to the General Orientation meeting on Saturday, August 20th, members voted on four proposed changes to the By-Laws.

The results are as follows:

Item 1: Article IV Officers – Section 7
A. Amend old language to: Stipends paid to Treasurer and Secretary each fall and spring semester to be increased from $200 per semester to $300 per semester.
B. New Language: Stipend of $500 to be paid to the Vice-President each fall and spring semester.
Yes = 55, No = 1

Item 2: Article V – Elections – Section 1
A. Amend old language to: Beginning 2013, elections are to be staggered, with an election held for President and Secretary that year. In 2014, an election for Vice-President and Treasurer shall be held.
B. Amend old language to: Elections shall be moved from fall semester to spring semester.
Yes = 55, No = 1

Item 3: Article 5 – Elections – Section 3
A. Amend old language to: specify that officers serve for 3 years or until the next election for their respective position.
Yes = 55, No = 1

Item 4: Article X – Amendments
A. Amend old language to: By-laws may be amended by 2/3 vote of members when a quorum casts ballots.
Yes = 46, No = 10

The revised by-laws have been posted under Documents and can be viewed in their entirety here. Thanks to all members who roused themselves out quite early to attend the meeting.