Randi Weingarten recently sent a letter to all members of Lake County Federation of Teachers (LCFT) to alert you to an investigation of our Local 504. This investigation included an audit of our finances, which found some areas for improvement, which the Local has been addressing. The efforts of the local to change the processes did not satisfy the complaint made by Local 504’s Treasurer and the President and the Grievance Chair of the Warren Council who initiated the investigation. The complainants asked that our Local be placed under a trusteeship where the AFT will effectively take over the Local. The hearing this week will determine if AFT will take over the Local.
Our Council, CLC-AFO, is in sound financial shape as you saw at our meeting in August. We have completely transparent records and all expenditures as well as our budget are approved by the membership.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. In the meantime, we will keep you posted on the progress of this ongoing process.